Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I remember..

Today I remember a man who smelled of diesel, salt, fish, sweat, and Minard's Liniment.

I remember a man whose smile would imbue you with an immovable happiness, regardless of your mood.

I remember a great story teller, a man who could paint images with words and elicit laughter from even the most hardened soul.

I remember a man who fought not for glory or out of anger, but to protect his family and his country.

I remember a man loved and respected by all those whose lives he touched.

I remember a man who survived the war, and fostered a vibrant and strong rooted family.

I remember a man who stirred an entire community to remember those who did not.

I remember a man unafraid to wear silly hats and to play with his grandchildren, to sing songs, to dance, and to enjoy life to it's fullest.

I remember a man who even in his worst health was kind, gentle, and strong.

I remember a man buried with the poppies of his Legion brothers and sisters, whose funeral and wake were attended by entire communities, and drew people from near and far.

Today I remember Leland Charles Williams.

Today I remember my Grandfather.

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